Word list, New English File Pre Intermediate
Read the news online
www.newscientist.com/ (You need to register, but it's free. Let me know if you have problems outside UK.)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/ (Young people's news programme/online news - easier!)
Phrasal verbs - try learning them in small groups!
Word Families - British Council - vocabulary lists for all the class levels
22,000 vocabulary items arranged according to six levels aligned to the CEFR - search for one word, to find its level, OR search for all vocabulary appropriate for any one level
Wikipedia, but shorter and easier
Phonetic Dictionary - for bad spellers
type 3 letters and see 6 ideas for the whole word
Concordances - to see 2 words used together (collocations)
http://www.just-the-word.com/ - fantastic site!
http://www.just-the-word.com/ - fantastic site!
Enter the keyword that you want to see used in a sentence,
Select In corpus: 'All of above (3+ m)'
If you'd like to see how you use the keyword with another word (e.g. a preposition), put the second word in the OPTION blank box, and say whether it's to the RIGHT or LEFT of the keyword,
Click 'Get concordance'
British National Condordance - see up to 50 random samples using your keyword
Netspeak.org - see how words are used in real online texts
Search * keyword or keyword * and look at the options
Click on the '+' to see examples
Search * keyword or keyword * and look at the options
Click on the '+' to see examples
How to write essays
CVs and covering letters - excellent advice from The Guardian
Manchester University's guides to writing CVs and covering letters, etc. - longer documents, to download - lots of detail plus examples
A great guide by Larry Trask: quite easy to search and use for reference.
Punctuation exercises
A great guide by Larry Trask: quite easy to search and use for reference.
Punctuation exercises
Punctuation - apostrophes and semicolons - great cartoons from The Oatmeal
http://theoatmeal.com/comics/semicolon http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apostrophe
Set to 'Advanced Leaner's Dictionary', or have a look at a few idioms or phrasal verbs.
An alternative dictionary.
Free online dictionary - gives lots of detail of different meanings - sometimes too much!
(You can also right-click the word in a word processor like Microsoft Word.)
Spelling rules
Spelling games and practice
lots of spelling links: http://iteslj.org/links/ESL/Spelling/
make your own flashcards to practice vocabulary and spelling: http://quizlet.com/
Linking words and phrases
Higher level - includes a practice task
The Open University - includes a practice task
How to write well - a guide from The Economist
These are rules for CLEAR WRITING, not for writing IELTS ESSAYS,which are somewhat different (though not very different - clarity is still key!)
Urban slang
Be careful when you use these words and phrases - they're not always polite!
Create fabulous presentations
Make animated cartoons
Create fabulous presentations
Make animated cartoons